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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Through Storm and Through Breakthrough

We've all been through trials and tribulations in our lives. Some more than others, and we've ALL heard time and time again to remain faithful to God in these times and that He will come through for us. I agree with this 100% that God remains faithful to us at all times. When God finally pulls through we are ecstatic, because obviously we deserved it right? We prayed for a whole hour, maybe even two; we really got into the word and began to see that God is faithful. It comes to the point when you are really and truly devoted to God that you finally begin to trust and praise in the storm. So that’s great you've learned to increase your devotion to Him in times of trouble; your darkest hour. But what about when the morning comes and all your troubles have disappeared? Are you still the devoted and faithful to Him?

There's a topic that Bill Johnson briefly talks about in one of his teachings and it seriously impacted my life. He talks about increasing your devotion in times of blessing and NOT just tribulation. We may dedicate more time to seeking God when we are in trouble, when our finances aren’t the greatest or when we get bad news from the doctor. But when all of our problems are solved and we’re fine and dandy; we go back to putting God back into His "little box" ready for the next time that we need his help. He's not a genie in a bottle and the fact that we treat Him like one shows how selfish we can really be.

Don't you just hate it when someone calls you only when they need something from you? Now just imagine how God feels. Don't you think he wants you to include Him in all your good times and not just the bad? Jesus was with those who were in need and in sorrow, and he felt their pain. But he was also there with them to celebrate the miracles that he would perform.

"As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, he reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. As he entered a village there, ten lepers stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy. One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, “Praise God!” He fell to the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking him for what he had done. This man was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?  Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?”  And Jesus said to the man, “Stand up and go. Your faith has healed you.”                 Luke 17:11-19 NLT

This scripture is so raw and it shows how much we haven’t changed. If out of those 10 men only 1 came back to give the glory to God when He was right there in front of them, just imagine how it is today. That's pretty sad. But our God is so good that he chooses to overlook this in us, and He still chooses to love us even though we may forget about being devoted to Him when times are good. Of course it's easier said than done because that means fighting off the desires of the flesh like not waking up earlier to search for His Glory or not reading the Bible at all. Even in your good days, when everything seems to be going right, when you really don’t think it is necessary to actually know His heart more; that’s when you should search for it without ceasing. Like I said, it’s easier said than done, but nothing is impossible with God on your side. Once you experience that peace in your best of days and also in your rainy days it doesn’t become hard to praise him ALL the time.

Something that goes hand in hand with this is learning to trust God’s decisions because they are better than yours.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.” Isaiah 55:8

 I mean, God made this world and everything in it; including you and me. So wouldn't you give Him more credit by trusting His decisions? Sometimes it might hurt us, but I promise you that if you take into account His judgment over yours, it is a lot better than you could ever imagine. It’s time to trust Him with EVERY aspect of your life. God loves it when you do that, believe me. 

Just take Job for example; He lived in prosperity for a good chunk of His life until one day Satan asked God to see if he was actually a faithful man; a Godly man. He attacked him in EVERYTHING. You know what? Job was firm in His God, even when His wife and friends mocked Him, He still praised! This is because when he was living the good life, he knew it was all due to the favor God had upon him. He never put God in his “rescue” box, he walked hand in hand with Him. He praised Him in his storm the same way he praised him when he was healthy and wealthy.

“Even though He would kill me, yet I will trust in Him” Job 13:15

Trust me when I say that God knows better. Our plans can easily make us prideful because we may think we’re in control; which is totally not the case.

"Lord, do not let evil people have their way. Do not let their evil schemes succeed, or they will become proud."  Psalms 140:8 NLT

 I think it’s time we step up to the plate and wholeheartedly trust God with everything in our lives. Trust His judgment and accept that He knows better. Not only that, but never stop increasing your devotion to Him. When you are going through a difficult time, increase your devotion.  When you receive breakthrough increase your devotion. When your opposition increases, you guessed it, increase your devotion. But when God is aligning everything; when you feel His Glory shining upon you and you can’t help but say “ I love life”, that’s when you need to increase your devotion even more. Remember the promises you made Him in your struggles. Praise and Glory be to Him at ALL TIMES.

With Love, Michelle ♥

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