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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Spring Cleaning

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By definition spring cleaning is a thorough cleaning of a house or room, typically undertaken in spring. This is pretty awesome, winter is such a downer and you can start getting messy with all the socks and coats and dirty boots everywhere. It's a time to take the chunkiness and black clothing out of our wardrobe and bring in the light fresh colours. It's a time to clean the floors and walls and remove any unwanted furniture piece to make room for new space.

I think it's time to not only spring clean our homes and rooms but time to spring clean our lives,thoughts and dreams. We all need it even if you think otherwise. Here are a few tips to get you into the spring cleaning mood! 

Here we go!

1. Sit down and reflect.
Yes I know that sounds kind of boring and useless but I swear it really gets you going!! Get to think on this past season of winter. What didn't you like? Was it laziness? Lack of self-control? Too judgmental? Etc

2. Write them down!
Writing things down makes the situation real and visible to the eyes. If you just think of it you might never change it because it was never actually real just a thought of your imagination. So write it down and make it real on paper.

3. Blueprint.
The plans God has for us are so much better than the plans we have, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have plans and goals for the future or simply to be a better you in Christ. So you've thought and written down the things you would like to change. Now write down how you can change them WITH God at your side. Don't try to write plans excluding God ;)

4. Actually spring clean.
Nothing gets you more motivated than cleaning your living space. Seriously throw away everything unwanted or that should be thrown out (you know what that is) and let it go. It's time for more space and less clutter.

5. Letting go of certain people.
This one is probably one of the harder ones. Breaking off a friendship or relationship is tough but sometimes it's the only way to bettering yourself. Deep down inside we know exactly who we need to let go of and sometimes we just don't. And these people might not actually be present in your life but they live in your memory as if they were. So bye bye to negative people even if that means you'll be alone, it's worth it trust me!

Now for the last tip! Drum roll please!

6. Spring clean those thoughts!
Yup there is such a thing as cleaning your thoughts. Sometimes our thoughts can be so negative and sometimes just mean to you and to those around you. Pray to the Holy Spirit to clean all thoughts of impurity, lack of self-worth, and judgement out the window. Allow Him to place thoughts of love, compassion, worthiness and reverence towards The Lord and His people.

I am no expert on this nor do I go to school for this, but these are just tips that I'm going to start doing in myself as of now. I hope you join me on this spring cleaning spree and feel alive! Not numb like my fingers do in this cold Canadian winter (which doesn't seem to end!). Know that God will be with you every step of the way and this cleaning might get messy, quite ironic. It might open drawers you have been wanting to keep shut and out of sight, but it's time to clean those drawers no matter how painful and throw away everything hurtful or unnecessary in there. You'll laugh, cry and get angry but at the end, everything will be gone and clean and smelling like lavender Pinesol!

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12: 1-2
With Love & Grace - Diana C.


  1. These are pretty awesome tips. I agree that we need to write things down. It's true what you say about making it real to the eyes.

    1. Yes I have slowly learned that actually writing things down makes me acknowledge it. Thanks for reading Vanessa!

  2. Love it!! I definitely have to do some spring cleaning myself :)

    1. Glad you like it! And yes time to bring out the mob and brooms!

    2. mop** definitely not the gansta mob for spring cleaning lol
